After reading a few of my friends' posts on the subject, it really got me thinking about my own job history. Just in case you were interested, here it is...
- BabySitting (age 12 - 22) - I know this is not an official j-o-b, but it was such a part of my life for so long, I feel like I have to count it. I was the girl who had a babysitting job at least a couple days a week all through high school. It kind of tapered off my first few years in Bowling Green, but after I started to meet more people I even got a few weekly jobs during college too.
- Sales Associate at Rue 21 (Sophomore-Junior Year of High School) - My first "real" job. I started out making minimum wage (a whopping $5.35 an hour at the time!). I ran the register, cleaned out fitting rooms and basically folded lots and lots of clothes.
- Waitress at Frisch's Big Boy (Junior-Senior Year of High School) - I LOVED this job. If you're not familiar with the chain, it's kind of like a steak'n'shake, but not. Basically just an eat-in burger joint with nothing on the menu over $8.99. I worked with a wide range of people - a couple of guys I was friends with at school, a couple of college kids, and a bunch of middle-aged ladies. I really enjoyed waiting tables because I loved to talk to people and be friendly and I felt that I was pretty good at my job. I hated all the side work (folding silverware into napkins, a lot of cleaning), but I loved those tips! On a good night I could make a pretty good chunk of change, but on a slow Monday night I may only make a couple bucks an hour - and my base salary was only $2.13!!
- BabySitting Teachers' Kids (Senior Year of High School) - My senior year I took yearbook as an early class. This meant that I got out an hour earlier than the rest of the high school. This was also the same time the elementary students released. So everyday after school I ran my own little afterschool program for 8-10 of the teachers' kids. I loved it. Hard to believe I still didn't know I was supposed to be an educator, huh?
- Sodexho at Commonwealth Stadium (Senior Year of High School - Freshman Year of College) - I was a suite attendant for the private suites at all the home UK football games. I had three suites - one owned by Budweiser, one by UK (for the president and other important people), and one owned by Alltell. I made $8.00 an hour, but earned WAY more in tips. After each game, the suite owners tipped me between $50-$150. Also, random people you would stop to help would sometimes slip you bills anywhere from $10 to $50 - just for getting them a coke or running out to the scoreboard tailgate (like ten feet away) and getting them a hot dog! And the last game of the year, as my "bonus," I left with about $800. I also got to meet some neat KY celebs like William Shatner, Montgomery Gentry, Tubby Smith, Tim Couch, and two governors. Oh yeah, and I served breakfast to ESPN's College GameDay crew.
- Camp Counselor for the YMCA (Summers 2004-2006) - I worked for the Y for 3 summers and loved (almost) every minute of it! The other counselors were great (for the most part) and I really enjoyed working with the kids. This job was part of what encouraged me to go into education.
- Group Leader for Community Ed (Spring Semester Freshman Year of College) - Worked at an after school program at Natcher Elementary. Crazy kids. I wasn't there very long, but boy, do I have some stories I could tell you from this place!
- Resident Assistant in Southwest Hall (Sophomore Year of College) - The best and worst job I had in college. I loved most of the people I worked with and we became a real tight-knit little family. The job part of it, though, I didn't like too much. A lot of work for not a lot of pay. That's fine if you love what you do, but unfortunately, I didn't.
- Substitute Teacher for Warren Co Schools (Junior and Senior Year of College) - To get my foot in the door. I subbed elementary, middle, and high. I am thankful for this job because the money was good, I had weekends off, but more importantly, it really helped me get more comfortable in front of a classroom. It also gave me more confidence talking with teachers and principals. And it made me see a lot of things that I wanted to do and things that I would never want to do in my own classroom. All of these things were very beneficial to me!!
- Childcare at Living Hope (Junior and Senior Year of College) - I worked in the nursery for weeknight events. Nice for a little extra spending money and I never complain when I get to hold precious babies!
- Sales Associate for Dunham's Sports (Summer before Senior Year to Summer After Graduation) I worked with a lot of people of all different ages which made for a lot of drama on occasions. I really enjoyed working with those who were pleasant and worked hard. The others - not so much. My days were mainly spent hanging clothes, straightening clothes, or helping people try on athletic shoes.
- Community Advisor at The Gables Apartments (Summer before Senior Year to Summer After Graduation) Kind of like being an RA, but not as much work. And I didn't get paid, but instead got free rent. This was definitely worth it since it was only a few hours of work a week, but translated to over $300 a month.
- 4th Grade Teacher at Alvaton Elementary (August 08 to Present) My DREAM JOB, really. I am so grateful that the Lord led me to Alvaton. I love my kids and I love the principal and staff. I really do feel like I am part of a big family! And most of all, I enjoy teaching. Even though it is always a challenge and some days I feel like I could pull my hair out, there really is nothing else I would rather be doing.