Monday, September 14, 2009

Meal Plan Monday!!

In an effort to better organize my life, I am trying to plan out my meals further ahead of time. I used to be much better about it, but have slacked off A LOT lately. If I plan in advance, I can make less grocery trips and save $$. I am not so organized that I know what we're having on what night, but I think that's okay. Sometimes I get home and am just not in the mood for what I had originally plan. So, here are some of our choices this week:

1.) "angel" pizza - what jeff calls my semi-homemade pizza (sausage and pineapple)

2.) grilled chicken in italian dressing and a vegetable side

3.) honey-teriyaki pineapple pork chops and a vegetable side

4.) pizza-mac casserole

5.) salsa chicken & rice

6.) some new dish - my goal is to find a good recipe I want to try this week, hopefully a good one : )

Possible vegetable sides: corn, green beans, potatoes (baked, mashed, or twice-baked)

Have a good week!

1 comment:

  1. sounds good! can i get the recipe for the honey-teriyaki pineapple pork chops?
