Friday, July 15, 2011

Summer Changes

Yes, that is right. My baby is now a full fledged toddler.

This summer has held many milestones for my little man.

He learned how to sign "more." And literally the next day or two picked up "all done" and "milk."

He turned one.

He is walking. Not just taking steps or toddling from one place to another anymore. Actual walking. Sometimes bordering on running.

Teeth #7 and #8 have broken through.

He has not had milk out of a bottle since Tuesday night. That is two and a half days ago! We were having trouble with this one, but the "cold turkey" method seems to have worked. The first day and a half were pretty rough, but he no longer cries when he is asking for milk and sees you bring out his big boy cup. He now reaches for it and just starts to drink.

We are still a little rough when it comes to solid foods, but he is making progress. As long as I mash it with a fork a little first, he will eat mixed veggies. And last night at VBS he actually ate sloppy joe! This is a big deal because meat has REALLY been a struggle for us!

He had his second haircut.

He is learning to mimic things more and more! He likes to try to put his shoes on (or Mom and Dad's), brush his hair, and put the phone up to his ear. He sings and dances all the time : ) 

Asking for more Sloppy Joe at VBS : )

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Bear With Me...

Who really knows why, but after a six month plus absence, I am thinking about returning to this blog again. Maybe try and give it a different feel, who knows? I still maintain that my life is just not that interesting, but we'll see...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Teacher Has Become the Student... Wait, That

So as of today, I am a grad student. Am I crazy?? Can I juggle my already crazy life AND a grad school class at the same time?? Well, we are about to find out...

I am doing an online program, the Reading/Writing Specialist MA.Ed., through the University of the Cumberlands. Some of my friends are doing this same program, which always helps!

I am not completely crazy, though... UC offers most of the classes in bi-terms. I am only taking one class January - March because I also have to plan a District Governor's Cup competition for my academic team the last Saturday in February. From March to May, I am registered for two classes. This means, by the end of May, I should be 9 hours in to a 30 hour program!

Jan - March: 1.) The Modern Elementary School
March - May: 2.) Curriculum Management & Assessment
3.) Reading & Writing Foundations

I will keep you posted on how it goes. Wish me luck!!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Meal Plan Monday

Last week ended up being a pretty crazy week! We spent a lot of time with family and ate with Jeff's parents a few nights. So this week we are going to have some of the meals that I had planned for last week!


  1. chicken tetrazini
  2. lasagna
  3. burgers
  4. hot dogs and french fries
  5. chicken tenders

Lunches: (back to work now, so no more big lunches!)

  1. sandwiches and chips
  2. salad
  3. chicken tenders

And for Jacob... we will continue with squash and by the end of the week should be able to start with some green veggies!