Thursday, January 21, 2010

Back-to-School Goals - Update

So two weeks into the school year, I wrote a post mentioning a few back to school goals. Here were the goals:


1.) Love first. Teach second.

2.) Stay on top of filing.

3.) Respond to emails ASAP instead of putting them off.

4.) Grade and record papers ASAP so they don't pile up on me.

5.) Make better use of my planning time. (this is when I am going to try and make most of my copies, since the line can be bad in the mornings and afternoons)

6.) Umm, it seems like I had so many more than just these five... oh well!


Needless to say, I am not doing too well. 


#1 is obviously the most important goal to me, but some days I struggle with it. I know it may sound easy, but it can actually be kind of difficult. You can get so caught up in what you have to get done and what the kids have to know and be able to do, that you have to remind yourself that they are real kids. More than math, they need love. That is the most important thing and that is what is going to make them see Jesus in me more than anything else. The more difficult kids are often the ones that are the hardest to love and they are the ones that need it the most! This is a goal that I have to work on everyday and will probably need to work on everyday until retirement.


#'s 2-5 are all goals that just have to do with time management and organization. I do think that I am making better use of my planning periods, which helps with the other goals, but I still have a long way to go! I don't always answer my emails right away and yes, papers always seem to pile up on me. And filing? Well, I am no better at that than I was last year. It really is a weakness.


Here are some things I am going to do to help me meet these goals:

  • Write them down. Then post them in a place where I will see them everyday, like the bulletin board by my desk.
  • Clean off my desk every afternoon before I leave. This will help me get off to a good start in the morning. You will not believe the mess that accumulates on my desk during the school day!
  • Make a schedule for all of the things I have to do each week, like planning, grading, newsletters, emails, etc. Maybe this will help me get it all done instead of saving it to the last minute. Kind of like a to-do list for each planning period of the week. 

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