Thoughts on the Life of a Mommy, Wife, Daughter, Sister, Teacher, Sinner, Reader, Shopper...
Thursday, December 31, 2009
15 weeks - update
Just know that I have been busy. Busy laying around all day and enjoying the holidays. Busy spending time with all of my family and getting some much needed rest.
Besides staying busy with all of that, I did make it to another prenatal appointment yesterday. This time our little one's heartrate was 10 beats slower, but still a solid 156 beats a minute. My weight and blood pressure and everything else is still fine too. The only big thing the doctor advised me of for right now is not to lay flat on my back. No problem, I thought, I'm a side-sleeper anyway. Actually, problem. Last night I couldn't fall asleep for anything. All I wanted to do was lay on my back! Which is weird, because I never remember doing it. Oh well. If that is the only thing keeping me up at night, I feel like I am doing okay! Most of my bad symptoms are starting to slowly disappear. I'm actually starting to feel a little more human again!
Oh, and our ultrasound is scheduled for the end of January. Can't wait!!
Friday, December 18, 2009
School Angel Tree Gifts
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Ramblings About Teaching and Book Review - No Fear in My Classroom
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Belly Laughs - The Naked Truth About Pregnancy and Childbirth
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Splendor (A Luxe Novel)

Monday, December 14, 2009
1/2 Price Living

Friday, December 11, 2009
2010 Support Your Local Library Reading Challenge

Wednesday, December 9, 2009
The Heartbeat : )
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Telling the Rileys
The day after we told Jeff's parents, my parents came down with Mark and Heather, two of my siblings, just to visit. We all hung out at our apartment and my mom made some awesome chili.
My mom has always said that whenever I became pregnant she wanted to take one of those cute sideways pictures of me every month. I have always adamantly refused. The reason? During these early weeks, you don't really look pregnant. You look normal. But you feel pudgy. And fat. Well, I don't know how everyone feels, but that is definitely how I feel! So no. I do not want sideways pictures taken of me until I actually have something to take a picture of.
But, of course I caved. I went out and bought the cutest baby picture frame I could find and then put a sideways picture of me in it. But for the record, I will not post these pictures anywhere the public can view them. Maybe after I actually look pregnant. Maybe.
Anyway, I handed the picture frame to my parents. They knew immediately what it was and of course were very excited. Probably no one was more excited than my sister, though. She cried like she was having a baby!
Once both sets of our parents knew the big news, we went around town visiting some of the people who are important to us. We visited Jeff's grandmother, the Ayers, and the Borders. And of course we called a lot of people too. Like my grandmother, my brother Tim (who is having a baby boy in April), and a few of my close friends. Yes, I did enjoy the secret while it lasted, but it sure did feel great being able to tell all of the people who love us!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
10 Reasons...
1.) The AMAZING Food
2.) Getting to eat said food with the Borlands and Grandmother on Thursday
3.) Getting to spend a few days in Georgetown with all of the Riley's and Mamaw
4.) Dogsitting for Bella (a big back yard for all three dogs to play together and run around in)
5.) Being able to sleep in past 5:20am
6.) Having an excuse NOT to go to the store on Friday
7.) I can start decorating for Christmas (I just can't start before)
8.) A Flip-Flop week of school: 2 days of school and then 5 days off
9.) Having some time to catch up on school work (If I'm a good girl and actually do it!)
10.) Having the excuse of "eating for two" - even though I really shouldn't be!
Did I already mention the AMAZING Food??
10 Reasons I Have to be Thankful (once again in no particular order)...
1.) Jesus Loves Me and he is my Savior
2.) Most of my family has accepted Jesus as thier Savior
3.) I have a really great husband
4.) We are having a baby!! (And I am almost out of the dreaded first trimester!)
5.) We have two of the best dogs ever and they are both healthy
6.) I have a job that I LOVE, even if it is often stressful
7.) We have a pretty nice apartment (even if it's not really clean!)
8.) UK's season looks promising
9.) We have a nephew on the way
10.) We are having a baby!! (Definitely worth mentioning twice)
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Telling the Borlands
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
A Bit of an Explanation...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Author Visit and Book Review - Autumn Winifred Oliver Does Things Different

- Some of the messes Autumn gets herself into are so hilarious they literally had me laughing out loud! From riding a coffin down a flooded river to using sticks to prop open the mouths of geese, she definitely does things different!
- The book is loaded with mountain culture, sayings, and superstitions. It reminded me a lot of Appalachia. Some of the stuff I actually had to look up because I had no clue what it meant. Like, did you know you weren't supposed to burn sassafras wood in your house? It's bad luck and means someone is probably going to die. (You better run straight home and throw out all that sassafras, ya hear?) I also had no idea what a dogtrot was. (Check out the picture at the bottom.)
- Parts of the book made me cry. No, not cry. Sob. Openly. But in the good way, you know? I just felt so close to Autumn and her family that when they suffered, I experienced it to. I LOVE books that do that. A mark of a really good writer.

Sunday, November 15, 2009
I Can Finally Start Buying Clothes...
This week, Jeff and I found out that in April we will be getting a nephew! That's right. Timothy and Katie had an ultrasound this week and found out that they are having a baby boy! My brother said that the baby was very active and was kicking like crazy the whole time. He did two full somersaults during the ultrasound! Everything looked good and the due date is still set for April 07. We are so happy for Tim and Katie and cannot wait to meet their beautiful baby boy!
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Happy Birthday to ME!!
- Splendor is the last book in the Luxe Series, one of my guilty pleasures you can read about here.
- American on Purpose is a memoir by Craig Ferguson, my favorite late night guy (although I am too lame to stay up that late and must DVR!).
- The Pioneer Woman Cooks is the first cookbook by you guessed it, The Pioneer Woman. I read her blog and love her recipes! Check out her website here.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Meal Plan Monday - Hiatus
Friday, October 9, 2009
Dog Sitting
Monday, October 5, 2009
Meal Plan Monday (or lack thereof)
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Quidditch Through the Ages and Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
The books themselves should be hilarious to any Potter fan. I found that I enjoyed Fantastic Beasts more than Quiddith simply because it belonged to Harry and had his and Ron's comments scattered throughout. Quiddith was a library book, so no comments there, just a list in the front detailing who had checked it out most recently. Both books include passages from Dumbledore, which are funny and sad, given what we know about Dumbledore's fate.
If students are Potter fans, they will enjoy these books. If not, some may enjoy Fantastic Beasts, but probably not Quidditch.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
I Won, I Won!
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Work in Progress...
Monday, September 28, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
- Chili - I heart this fall weather!!
- Chicken Noodle Soup - my mom gave me this soup mix I really want to try.
- Three Cheese Baked Mostaccioli - a new recipe for me! We'll see how it goes. I found it at, a site started by the Pioneer Woman, one of my favorite blogs to read!
- Shepherd's Pie - also a new one for me! I don't think I will make it quite like the one linked here. Once again, we'll see!
- Grilled Chicken (cooked in Italian Dressing) Possible sides - salad, mashed potatoes, (because I will probably have left overs from the Shepherd's Pie!) green beans...
Monday, September 21, 2009
Meal Plan Monday
1.) Chicken Tetrazzini (recipe to come later)
2.) Cheeseburgers
3.) Breakfast for Dinner
4.) Leftovers
5.) We'll see... Maybe something new. I didn't try a new recipe last week like I wanted to...
Sunday, September 20, 2009
We're Just Like You, Only Prettier Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle
We're Just Like You, Only Prettier:
Confessions of a Tarnished Southern Belle
Absolutely hillarious! This book is not at all plot-driven - each chapter talks about something different. I like to read books like this when I am in between books, don't feel like thinking very much, or want a bit of light reading. From start to finish, it took me over a year to read. But each time I picked it up, it left me in stitches. And no wonder with chapters titled: Stop Watching Your Plasma TV and Start Selling Plasma - How to Become Honest-to-Jesus White Trash and Stamp out Gossip? - My Best Friend's Mama's Sister's Hairdresser Won't Like This a Bit. If you grew up in the South, most of the chapters will seem very familiar to you. Rivenbark also has a few other books out I may read off and on over the next year. But I can't decide between Belle Weather: Mostly Sunny with a Chance of Scattered Hissy Fits or Bless Your Heart, Tramp. You can check out her website here.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Baby Allie and Roxie
I found this video on my Dad's memory card this summer and love, love, love it! Just wanted to share it for the fun of it. This was filmed before we got married, so Allie is between 3 and 4 months old. Roxie is my Dad's German Shephard and is a member of the K9 Unit of the Bluegrass Search and Rescue Unit. She is the sweetest thing!
Friday, September 18, 2009
My "Baby" Brother
Happy Birthday, Mark! I love you!
Back in the day!
Me with both of my brothers last summer. He looks so much older just from a year ago! But, it's the most recent picture I have.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Puppy Paddle!!
Check out all the dogs! You can see Allie trying to beat another dog to a tennis ball. For the most part, she played nice. The only dog she completely ignored was Radar the Weather Dog from WNKY. Radar kept trying to play with her, but she was having none of him!
So Cute!!
This pic cracks me up! She has a tennis ball in her mouth and you can see her fur going two different directions from shaking herself off.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Wedding Gifts...
Our most recent purchase...
Why am I blogging about new tv trays??
Two Reasons:
#1 We've wanted them for a while now and I really enjoy them.
#2 I purchased these puppies with the last of our Target gift cards from the wedding. According to my site, we have been married for 458 days now. I think we've done pretty well to have held on to that $$ for so long! We've used our wedding gift cards from different stores for things like a silverware box, groceries, bakeware, home organizers, shelves, gifts for others, etc. We are so thankful to our friends and family who blessed us with almost $1,000 in gift cards! We still have a few cards left to Kohl's and Bed, Bath and Beyond! I'm thinking maybe a bread maker or maybe some home decor???
Monday, September 14, 2009
Honey-Teriyaki Pineapple Pork Chops
: ) For Sabrina...
I actually got this recipe out of a Biggest Loser Family Cookbook, but I found it on this site for anyone else who wants it. Of course, I have kind of changed it and made it my own. Especially the cooking time. It takes much longer in my oven than what the recipe calls for. I just kind of flip it so it cooks evenly and take it out when I know it's done. And I definitely don't own a sprayer, i just lightly brush with olive oil.
Here's the recipe:
Makes 4 servingsOlive oil in a sprayer (not store-bought spray that contains propellant) 4 (4-ounce) trimmed boneless pork loin chops (3 1/2-4 1/2-ounce chops are OK), about 3/4" thick1 teaspoon garlic powderSalt, to tasteGround black pepper, to taste8 teaspoons honey teriyaki marinade and sauce (such as Ken's Steak House Marinade and Sauce)4 slices canned pineapple slices in juice, drained
Preheat the broiler.
Line a small baking sheet with aluminum foil and lightly spray the foil with olive oil.
Lightly mist both sides of the chops with olive oil and season with the garlic powder, salt, and pepper. Place the chops, not touching, on the prepared baking sheet and broil about 3" from the heat for about 2 minutes (be sure to leave the oven door open a crack when broiling).
Turn the chops and brush or spread 2 teaspoons of the teriyaki marinade evenly over the top of each. Top with pineapple slices.
Broil for 3 to 5 minutes longer, or until the pineapple and glaze brown lightly and the pork is barely pink inside. Serve immediately.
Nutrition at a GlancePer serving: 199 calories, 26 g protein, 13 g carbohydrates, 5 g fat (1 g saturated), 75 mg cholesterol, trace fiber, 234 mg sodium
Meal Plan Monday!!
In an effort to better organize my life, I am trying to plan out my meals further ahead of time. I used to be much better about it, but have slacked off A LOT lately. If I plan in advance, I can make less grocery trips and save $$. I am not so organized that I know what we're having on what night, but I think that's okay. Sometimes I get home and am just not in the mood for what I had originally plan. So, here are some of our choices this week:
1.) "angel" pizza - what jeff calls my semi-homemade pizza (sausage and pineapple)
2.) grilled chicken in italian dressing and a vegetable side
3.) honey-teriyaki pineapple pork chops and a vegetable side
4.) pizza-mac casserole
5.) salsa chicken & rice
6.) some new dish - my goal is to find a good recipe I want to try this week, hopefully a good one : )
Possible vegetable sides: corn, green beans, potatoes (baked, mashed, or twice-baked)
Have a good week!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Wicked - The Book and the Musical
This book was really interesting. The author, Gregory Maguire, reveals the true story of the Wicked Witch of the West and shows that as usual, things are not always what they seem. Maguire gives the "witch" a past and a name, Elphaba. The reader also gets the back story of Glinda the Good Witch, a one-time friend of Elphaba's. Some parts were a little vulgar for me and, I thought, unnecessary. However, they were not so bad that I was not able to look passed them. In fact, the book left me wanting to read the second book in the series, Son of a Witch, which, you guessed it, tells the story of Liir, the son of the "Wicked Witch." He also has a third installment which tells the story of the Cowardly Lion. But first, I may take a break from Oz and read Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister.
The whole night was awesome. We went to Nashville early and ate at an Italian place called Maggiano's. The food was served family style and tasted great! It was so rich, I could hardly eat more than a few bites of one thing! So thank you Mel and Paula for a great night out! And also, thanks to my husband, Jeff, who is not a musical fan and who missed the first night of college football season without too much complaining. Thank the Lord for DVR!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
A Dog's Life - The Autobiography of a Stray
Friday, August 21, 2009
Jodi Picoult Book Deal
Yes, you heard right. Jodi Picoult books are buy 2, get 1 free at Barnes and Noble. I am not sure how long this has been going on, or how long it will last, but they are sitting out on a table at the B&N here in BG. I am not sure if all of the titles are buy2,get1, but they did have several to choose from. I chose Salem Falls, Mercy, and Second Glance. Any ideas on which to read first??
(If you are a JP fan and want to make a suggestion, it may help if you knew that I have already read Nineteen Minutes, My Sister's Keeper, and Plain Truth and enjoyed them all)
Deep and Dark and Dangerous
Teach Like Your Hair's On Fire... and my ramblings
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
I'm Gonna be an Aunt!
Anyway, I am so excited for them! They are due the beginning of April. I know they are so excited. We all are. It is so hard to imagine my little brother being a daddy, but I know he will be an awesome one. They are both very Godly people and I have no doubt they will do the best they can to raise their children according to the LORD's perfect will. And I cannot wait to love on the little one and spoil it like crazy!
CoNgRaTs TiM aNd KaTiE!!!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Back to School Update
Anyway... the school year is off to a great start! Life is as smooth as it possibly could be considering all of the changes. I feel so much better right now than I did this time last year. The difference is unbelievable. It's crazy how much having a year's worth of tips under your belt can help you! The first few days of school are so critical and can really set the tone for your whole year. I am so glad that I have focused so much on procedures. I tried to do this last year, but I feel that I have done a much better job this year. I have a feeling it is going to make a big difference! That, and the fact that my kids are so stinking sweet! Serioulsy. Yes, they're are a few sour ones in the bunch, but they are kind of that sour-sweet type, ya know? Kind of like sweet'n'sour sauce. I love that stuff.
Here are some of my "teacher" goals for this year:
1.) Love first. Teach second.
2.) Stay on top of filing.
3.) Respond to emails ASAP instead of putting them off.
4.) Grade and record papers ASAP so they don't pile up on me.
5.) Make better use of my planning time. (this is when I am going to try and make most of my copies, since the line can be bad in the mornings and afternoons)
6.) Umm, it seems like I had so many more than just these five... oh well!
I will let you know how these go. I'm doing pretty good so far! (And yes, I know it has only been two weeks!) More updates to come on how our new students and our refugee students are doing. For now, I have papers to grade and plans to make. Can't slack on Goal #4!
Monday, August 3, 2009
First Day Jitters
Because of redistricting, this year my school has around 115 more students than last year. The new students will add to our school's culture in ways that are scary and exciting. Thirteen of these students are refugees from Burma (more info later). My school is predominantly white, middle class, country kids. It is definitely going to be interesting, that is for sure. I know we will continue to be a great school where children are safe, happy, and thriving. All the change just makes me anxious.
Please pray for all of the students who are starting school tomorrow. Whether they are at their same old familiar school or a completely new one. Whether they speak English or Spanish or Burmese. Please pray for their teachers. Pray that they will love first and teach second. Pray for all of the administrators, secretaries, and counselors as they work to make sure everyone is where they are supposed to be.
Just Pray.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Books, Books, and More Books
The BBC believes most people will have read only 6 of the 100 books here. How do your reading habits stack up?
1 Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen - READ
2 The Lord of the Rings - JRR Tolkien - READ 1
3 Jane Eyre - Charlotte Bronte - READ
4 Harry Potter series - JK Rowling - READ - LOVE THEM!!
5 To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee - READ
6 The Bible - READ EVERYDAY (but have never read the entire thing : / )
7 Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte - READ (and want to reread)
8 Nineteen Eighty Four - George Orwell -
9 His Dark Materials - Philip Pullman - (no desire)
10 Great Expectations - Charles Dickens -
11 Little Women - Louisa M Alcott - READ
12 Tess of the D’Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy -
13 Catch 22 - Joseph Heller -
14 Complete Works of Shakespeare - SOME, BUT NOT ALL
15 Rebecca - Daphne Du Maurier - READ (and currently rereading)
16 The Hobbit - JRR Tolkien - READ
17 Birdsong - Sebastian Faulk -
18 Catcher in the Rye - JD Salinger - READ (not really a fan)
19 The Time Traveler’s Wife - Audrey Niffenegger - (want to read)
20 Middlemarch - George Eliot -
21 Gone With The Wind - Margaret Mitchell -
22 The Great Gatsby - F Scott Fitzgerald -READ (and enjoyed a lot!)
23 Bleak House - Charles Dickens -
24 War and Peace - Leo Tolstoy -
25 The Hitch Hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams - (it's on my list)
27 Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoyevsky -
28 Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck - READ
29 Alice in Wonderland - Lewis Carroll - READ
30 The Wind in the Willows - Kenneth Graham -
31 Anna Karenina - Leo Tolstoy -
32 David Copperfield - Charles Dickens -
33 Chronicles of Narnia - CS Lewis - READ
34 Emma-Jane Austen - READ
35 Persuasion - Jane Austen -
36 The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - CS Lewis - READ (and isn't this part of #33?)
37 The Kite Runner - Khaled Hosseini -
38 Captain Corelli’s Mandolin - Louis De Bernieres -
39 Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden -
40 Winnie the Pooh - AA Milne - READ
41 Animal Farm - George Orwell - READ
42 The Da Vinci Code - Dan Brown - READ
43 One Hundred Years of Solitude - Gabriel Garcia Marquez -
44 A Prayer for Owen Meaney - John Irving -
45 The Woman in White - Wilkie Collins -
46 Anne of Green Gables - LM Montgomery - READ
47 Far From The Madding Crowd - Thomas Hardy -
48 The Handmaid’s Tale - Margaret Atwood -
49 Lord of the Flies - William Golding - READ
50 Atonement - Ian McEwan -
51 Life of Pi - Yann Martel -
52 Dune - Frank Herbert -
53 Cold Comfort Farm - Stella Gibbons -
54 Sense and Sensibility - Jane Austen - READ
55 A Suitable Boy - Vikram Seth -
56 The Shadow of the Wind - Carlos Ruiz Zafon -
57 A Tale Of Two Cities - Charles Dickens -
58 Brave New World - Aldous Huxley -
59 The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night - Mark Haddon - READ (good insights into the world of autism)
60 Love In The Time Of Cholera - Gabriel Garcia Marquez -
61 Of Mice and Men - John Steinbeck - READ
62 Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov -
63 The Secret History - Donna Tartt -
64 The Lovely Bones - Alice Sebold -
65 Count of Monte Cristo - Alexandre Dumas - READ (and want to reread)
66 On The Road - Jack Kerouac - READ
67 Jude the Obscure - Thomas Hardy -
68 Bridget Jones’s Diary - Helen Fielding -
69 Midnight’s Children - Salman Rushdie -
70 Moby Dick - Herman Melville -
71 Oliver Twist - Charles Dickens -
72 Dracula - Bram Stoker - (really want to read)
73 The Secret Garden - Frances Hodgson Burnett - READ
74 Notes From A Small Island - Bill Bryson -
75 Ulysses - James Joyce -
76 The Inferno – Dante -
77 Swallows and Amazons - Arthur Ransome -
78 Germinal - Emile Zola -
79 Vanity Fair - William Makepeace -
80 Possession - AS Byatt -
81 A Christmas Carol - Charles Dickens - READ
82 Cloud Atlas - David Mitchell -
83 The Color Purple - Alice Walker - READ
84 The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro -
85 Madame Bovary - Gustave Flaubert -
86 A Fine Balance - Rohinton Mistry -
87 Charlotte’s Web - EB White - READ
88 The Five People You Meet In Heaven - Mitch Albom - READ
89 Adventures of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - READ SOME, BUT NOT ALL
90 The Faraway Tree Collection - Enid Blyton -
91 Heart of Darkness - Joseph Conrad -
92 The Little Prince - Antoine De Saint-Exupery - (i think i read this in french??)
93 The Wasp Factory - Iain Banks -
94 Watership Down - Richard Adams -
95 A Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole -
96 A Town Like Alice - Nevil Shute -
97 The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas -
98 Hamlet - William Shakespeare - READ
99 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory - Roald Dahl - READ
100 Les Miserables - Victor Hugo -
I don't really think this is the best list in the world, but like I said, just for fun!
So what about you? Are you a reader? How many have you read? What do you think of this list? What books would you add?
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
The Luxe Series
PS - I would definitely not recommend this series for any of my fourth graders. Not for several years even. The books are very tateful, but they do get a little racy as the series progresses.