My friend Jenny started posting her Fab Five each week because her friend, Emily, started it up on her blog. Then, our friend Sabrina and now even Nat joined in on the fun. I've taken a hiatus for a week or two, but this week I've managed it!
The point is to highlight the five tangible things that made your week/life fabulous. Here is my list:
1.) Jenny's Chocolate Chip Cheeseball - Had it at my shower over the weekend and have wanted some more ever since! Jenny, you really need to post this recipe on your blog or at least email it to me!
2.) Magic Bean Plant - This was a Christmas gift from my sister that I am just now making use of. Apparently it's a bean plant that grows to have beans that say messages on them. I am not really sure if it will work or not, but definitely hope it does! (The picture below is definitely encouraging!) She actually bought it for Jacob, so I planted it in hopes that it will have sprouted by the time he arrives. You can check out their website here.

3.) Caffeine Free Mountain Dew - I know I have included this in my Fab Five posts before, but they have been super on sale lately and I haven't been able to resist! Luckily I have been good at limiting myself to just one a day (most days, that is!).

4.) Fantastik Cleaner - This is my cleaner of choice for anything and everything. It works wonders, people! I use this to clean up sticky stuff and then follow with one of those magic eraser things. (Ooo - I'll have to remember to put those on the list next week!)

5.) Pictures of Jacob - Of course I will save the best for last! You can see more pics and read about our 3D/4D Ultrasound here. Just in the past day or two I have heard so many stories of babies and mommies who are having problems - some big, some small. It really makes me feel so blessed that as far as I know, the Lord has given us a healthy, strong baby boy. I can never take that for granted.

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