I must admit, I'm a sucker for a good bookmark. There are just so many! They come in all shapes, sizes, and styles. I have bookmarks that I love because I think they are just too cute, some that are dainty, some that feature my favorite books, some I love for the Bible verses they quote, the list goes on and on...
But here's the thing. Half the time, my bookmark ends up being a receipt or a post it note or something. Why is that?? And another thing - why do some bookmarks have to be so stinking expensive? I refuse to pay big bucks for a bookmark - I would definitely lose it! Just check out this out. It's the bookmarks for sale on Barnes&Noble.com. Over $30 for a bookmark?!? Just think of all of the books you could buy with that instead!
Just for fun, the bookmark I am using right now is one that I got a few Valentine's ago. It's one of the nice metal ones that has a metal heart attached to it with a piece of thick string. It is read and pink, of course, and has pictures of Valentine foods on it. The quote reads: "The miracle of love is that love is given to us to give to one another." So true. And it reminds me of one of my favorite sections of scripture:
"And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us." Romans 5:5
How true is that? The only reason I can love anyone else is because it is the overflow of the love that God has poured into my heart.
my bookmarks are always receipts, random pieces of paper or a pen. i dont think i own a bookmark anymore. but they are cute!