The point is to highlight the five tangible things that made your week/life fabulous. Here are my Fab Five for this week:
1.) Kitchen Gloves - I know this is going to sound really prissy, but whenever I wash too many dishes, my hands turn to crap. The skin will literally start to peel off my fingers. And yes, I have a dishwasher! I'm talking just washing one or two pans a day. That's all it takes. I even experimented with different brands of dish soap. While some helped, none took care of the problem. So my solution? Kitchen gloves! My hands love them! PS - Mine are not nearly this cute. Just plain white and a WalMart special made by Mr. Clean.

2.) Bookmarks - Why not? I do have a lot of cute ones. Check out the post I did earlier this week to celebrate Bookmark Day with the Bibliophilic Blog.
3.) My EZ Grader - Such a time saver for me when I have 77 tests to grade!

4.) Flip Flops - I'm wearing my first pair of the year today!! Bring on 70 Degree Days!!

5.) Caffeine Free Mountain Dew - Because let's face it, I don't think I can have a Fab Five Post without something full of calories. I have to make myself pass up this aisle at the grocery so that I don't drink myself up to the size of a house. But lately my will power just hasn't been there. Oh well! At least it's caffeine free!

those kitchen gloves are super cute... maybe if i had some that cute i would use them... and i am loving that its warm enough for flip flops!